Christian Blodau: Talks, Posters...
Invited Talks | ||
Nitrogen deposition and soil moisture affect carbon balance in mesocosms of five European peatlands | Zajac, K*; Blodau, C | Society of Wetland Scientists Meeting 2011, Praque: 2011-07-03 - 2011-07-08 |
Hydrologic Control of Biogeochemistry and Trace Gas Fluxes of a Minerotrophic Fen | Knorr, KH*; Goldberg, S; Gebauer, G; Muhr, J; Borken, W; Blodau, C | Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 2010, Bayreuth: 2010-05-10 - 2010-05-12 |
Talks | ||
Impact of experimental drying, rewetting and flooding on belowground biogeochemistry in a northern fen: a synthesis | Blodau, C; Knorr, KH; Estop Aragones, C | BIOGEOMON 2012: The 7th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior: 2012-07-15 - 2012-07-20 |
Groundwater - lake water exchange affects biogeochemistry: Results from a multivariate analysis of sediment properties in an acid mine lake | Beer, J*; Neumann, C; Peiffer, S; Fleckenstein, JH; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna: 2011-04-03 - 2011-04-08 |
Comparison of the characteristic travel distances calculated by two fate and transport models to measured values using peat bogs as passive samplers | Thüns, S; Radke, M; Wania, F; Blodau, C | 2nd Young Environmenatal Scientists Meeting (YES, SETAC), Aachen: 2011-02-28 - 2011-03-02 |
Wechselwirkung zwischen Grundwasser-See-Austausch und biogeochemischen Prozessen in einem sauren Tagebaurestsee | Beer, J*; Neumann, C; Fleckenstein, JH; Peiffer, S; Blodau, C | DGL 2010, Bayreuth: 2010-09-27 - 2010-10-01 |
Geochemische Charakterisierung unterschiedlicher Hochmoorstandorte in Patagonien (Chile) | Broder, T; Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | DGL 2010, Bayreuth: 2010-09-27 - 2010-10-01 |
Heterogenität des Grundwasser-See-Austausches und deren Effekte auf die Biogeochemie eines sauren Tagebaurestsees | Neumann, C*; Beer, J; Blodau, C; Peiffer, S; Fleckenstein, JH | FH-DGG Tagung 2010, Tübingen: 2010-05-12 - 2010-05-16 |
Biogeochemistry and Trace Gas Fluxes of a Minerotrophic Fen During a Water Table Fluctuation | Knorr, KH; Goldberg, SD; Gebauer, G; Muhr, J; Borken, W; Blodau, C | SWS European Chapter Meeting, Erkner (Berlin): 2009-01-01 |
Effetcs of experimental drought and rewetting of a northern temperate fen soil as assessed by delta 13C and thermodynamics | Knorr, KH; Glaser, B; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly, Vienna: 2008-04-13 - 2008-04-18 |
Geochemical constraints on organic matter decomposition in deep peatlands | Beer, J; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly, Vienna: 2008-04-13 - 2008-04-18 |
Electron transfer capacities and reaction kinetics of peat dissolved organic matter | Bauer, M*; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna: 2007-04-15 - 2007-04-20 |
Keynote speaker: Chemical and hydrological constraints on methanogenesis in wetlands | Blodau, C; Heitmann, T; Beer, J; Bauer, M | 10th International Symposium on Wetland Biogeochemistry, Annapolis: 2007-01-01 |
Keynote speaker: Advances in the carbon biogeochemistry of peatlands | Blodau, C | International symposium on carbon cycling in peatlands, Wageningen: 2007-01-01 |
Electron transfer of DOM in aquatic systems: kinetics, controls, and field evidence | Blodau, C; Bauer, M; Heitmann, T | Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe: 2007-01-01 |
Biogeochemische Prozesse und Gradienten in eisen- und sulfatreichen Sedimenten: Auswirkungen veränderten Grundwasserzuflusses | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | FH-DGG Tagung 2006, Cottbus: 2006-01-01 |
Dynamik der Redoxprozesse in einem Niedermoor über einen Austrocknungs- und Wiederfeuchtungszyklus | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | Leibnitz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Berlin: 2006-01-01 |
Geochemische Steuerung der Kohlenstoff-Mineralisation im tiefen Torf | Beer, J; Blodau, C | Workshop am Leibnitz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Berlin: 2006-01-01 |
A possible response to climate extremes of fluxes and concentrations of CO2 and CH4 in northern fens. | Oosterwoud, MR; Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna: 2006-01-01 |
Below-ground C Turnover in a Northern Ombrotrophic Bog | Blodau, C; Heitmann, T; Lafleur, P; Moore, TR; Steward, H; Roulet, NT | AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco: 2005-12-01 |
Coupling of carbon and sulphur cycling in northern peatlands | Blodau, C; Mayer, B; Moore, TR | ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting: 2005-01-01 |
Grundwasserzuflussbedingungen beeinflussen lokal die biogeochemischen Prozesse in eisen- und sulfatreichen Sedimenten | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. (DGL): 2004-01-01 |
Spatial patterns of neutralization rates in acidic mine lakes: controlled by groundwater inflow and quality? | Blodau, C | ASLO 2003, Salt Lake City: 2003-01-01 |
Patterns of neutralization processes in an acid mine lake: Controlled by deposition of Schwertmannite and groundwater inflow | Blodau, C | Goldschmidt 2002, Davos: 2002-08-01 |
Deposition und Transformation des Eisenminerals Schwertmannit unterdrücken die interne Neutralisation in Restseen des Braunkohletagebaus | Blodau, C | Alkalin workshop 2002, Cottbus: 2002-03-01 |
Thermodynamics and organic matter constrain neutralization processes in sediments of highly acidic waters | Blodau, C | GeoProc 2002, Bremen: 2002-02-01 |
Biogeochemical controls on CO2 and CH4 production in northern peatlands | Blodau, C | 7th conference on the biogeochemistry of wetlands, Duke University, Rayleigh: 2001-06-01 |
Sulfate reduction in acidic mine lakes | Blodau, C | Workshop on early diagenesis, Kastanienbaum: 1997-07-01 |
Posters | ||
PEATBOG: Nitrogen Pollution and Climate Change Impacts on Peatland Biodiversity and Biogeochemistry | Dise, NB*; Blodau, C; Bragazza, L; Caporn, SJM; Lindgren, P-E; Svensson, B; Verhoeven, JTA; Estop-Aragonés, C; Bleeker, A; Genero, MM; Lai, D; Payne, R; Robroek, BJM; Rowson, J; Salomonsson, J; Wu, Y; Zajac, K | BIOGEOMON 2012: The 7th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior: 2012-07-15 - 2012-07-20 |
Nitrogen deposition and soil moisture affect carbon balance in mesocosms of five European peatlands | Zajac, K*; Blodau, C | Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Freising: 2011-09-12 - 2011-09-16 |
Groundwater flow impacts on sediment biogeochemistry: a multivariate statistical approach | Beer, J*; Neumann, C; Peiffer, S; Fleckenstein, JH; Blodau, C | Goldschmidt 2011, Prag: 2011-08-15 - 2011-08-19 |
Linkage between groundwater-lake water-exchange and biogeochemistry in an acidic mine lake | Beer, J*; Neumann, C; Peiffer, S; Fleckenstein, JH; Blodau, C | Hydroeco 2011, Wien: 2011-05-02 - 2011-05-05 |
C and N stable isotope inventories in CO2, CH4, DOC, DON, and peat solid phase in three southern Patagonian ombrotrophic bogs | Broder, T; Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna: 2011-04-03 - 2011-04-08 |
Characterization of the degree of decomposition and CO2 and CH4 production rates in three pristine ombrotrophic bogs in Southern Patagonia | Broder, T; Knorr, KH; Biester, H; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna: 2011-04-03 - 2011-04-08 |
Effects of nitrogen deposition and soil moisture on carbon cycling in mesocosms of five European peatlands | Zajac, K*; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna: 2011-04-03 - 2011-04-08 |
Effects of nitrogen deposition and soil moisture on carbon cycling in mesocosms of five European peatlands | Zajac, K*; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna: 2011-04-03 - 2011-04-08 |
Comparison of the characteristic travel distance calculated by the OECD model “The tool” and measured values using peat bogs as passive samplers | Thüns, S*; Radke, M; Wania, F; Blodau, C | SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Sevilla: 2010-05-23 - 2010-05-27 |
Monitoring deposition rates of organic pollutants in Ontario using peat bogs as passive samplers | Thüns, S*; Radke, M; Blodau, C | SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Sevilla: 2010-05-23 - 2010-05-27 |
Heterogenität des Grundwasser-See-Austausches und deren Effekte auf die Biogeochemie eines sauren Tagebaurestsees | Neumann, C; Beer, J*; Blodau, C; Peiffer, S; Fleckenstein, JH | FH-DGG Tagung 2010, Tübingen: 2010-05-12 - 2010-05-16 |
Comparison of the characteristic travel distance calculated by the OECD model "The Tool" and measured values using peat bogs as passive samplers | Thüns, S*; Radke, M; Wania, F; Blodau, C | EMEC10, Limoges: 2009-12-02 - 2009-12-05 |
Comparison of the characteristic travel distance calculated by the OECD model "The Tool" and measured values using peat bogs as passive samplers | Thüns, S*; Radke, M; Wania, F; Blodau, C | SETAC North America 30th Annual Meeting, New Orleans: 2009-11-19 - 2009-11-23 |
Carbon stable isotopic composition of CO2 and CH4 in a fen under different vegetation and moisture conditions | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C; Glaser, B | BIOGEOMON, Helsinki: 2009-06-29 - 2009-07-03 |
Influence of groundwater flow on sediment pore-water biogeochemistry | Beer, J; Neumann, C; Fleckenstein, JH; Peiffer, S; Blodau, C | Goldschmidt, Davos: 2009-06-21 - 2009-06-26 |
Impact of groud water - surface water interactions on pore-water and solid sediment phase composition in an acidic mining lake | Beer, J; Neumann, C; Fleckenstein, JH; Peiffer, S; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly, Vienna: 2009-04-19 - 2009-04-24 |
Redox dynamics and electron flow budgets in a minerotrophic fen soil - effects of a drying and rewetting cycle | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly, Vienna: 2007-04-15 - 2007-04-20 |
Effects of a drying and rewetting cycle on arsenic dynamics in a minerotrophic fen - a laboratory study | Fulda, B; Knorr, KH; Bauer, M; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly, Vienna: 2007-04-15 - 2007-04-20 |
Geochemical constraints on anaerobic organic matter decomposition in a northern peatland | Beer, J; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly, Vienna: 2007-04-15 - 2007-04-20 |
Effects of drying and rewetting on redox dynamics and C-turnover in a northern temperate fen | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | Symposium: Soil Processes under extreme meteorological conditions, Bayreuth: 2007-02-25 - 2007-02-28 |
Controls on Schwertmannite Transformation Rates and Products | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference 2007, Cologne: 2007-01-01 |
Effects of pronounced drying and rewetting on redox dynamics and C-turnover in a northern temperate fen | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA: 2006-12-01 |
Reconstruction of atmospheric PAH deposition to peatlands of Eastern Canada | Radke, M; Dreyer, A; Blodau, C; Turunen, J | SETAC Europe 16th Annual Meeting, The Hague: 2006-11-07 - 2006-05-11 |
Biogeochemische Prozesse und Gradienten in eisen- und sulfatreichen Sedimenten: Auswirkungen veränderten Grundwasserzuflusses | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | FH-DGG Tagung 2006, Cottbus: 2006-05-24 - 2006-05-28 |
Effects of drying and rewetting on electron flow in a northern temperate fen | Knorr, KH; Oosterwoud, MR; Blodau, C | EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna: 2006-01-01 |
Effects of a drying and rewetting cycle on concentrations and delta 13C of CO2 and CH4 in a northern temperate fen | Knorr, KH; Glaser, B; Blodau, C | 29th annual meeting "German Association for Stable Isotope Research": 2006-01-01 |
Geochemische Kontrolle der Kohlenstoff-Mineralisation im tiefen Torf | Beer, J; Blodau, C | DGL-Tagung, Dresden: 2006-01-01 |
Altered Groundwater Inflow Affects Biogeochemical Patterns in Iron Rich and Acidic Sediments | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco: 2005-12-01 |
In situ determination of sulfate reduction in peatlands: a downscaled push-pull tracer technique | Goldhammer, T; Blodau, C | AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco: 2005-12-01 |
Interactions of Dissolved Organic Matter and Reduced Sulfur in Peatland Porewater | Heitmann, T; Blodau, C | AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco: 2005-12-01 |
CO2 AND CH4 DYNAMICS IN AN ACIDIC FEN SOIL UNDER DIFFERENT VEGETATION COVER - INSIGHTS FROM delta13C ANALYSIS | Knorr, KH; Glaser, B; Blodau, C | Carbon in Peatlands: State-of-the-Art and Future Research, Wageningen: 2004-04-01 |
Groundwater inflow conditions affect local acidity budgets in sediments of highly acidic post mining lakes | Knorr, KH; Blodau, C | Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Copenhagen: 2004-01-01 |
Mobilisation of arsenic from synthetic and natural solid phases through NOM solution | Bauer, M*; Blodau, C | Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Copenhagen: 2004-01-01 |
Iron oxide deposition and groundwater inflow constrain neutralization rates in acidic mine lakes | Blodau, C | AGU Fall Meeting 2002, San Francisco: 2002-12-01 |
Effect of a water table fluctuation on the CH4 dynamics in a peat soil | Blodau, C | DGL annual meeting 9/2002, Braunschweig: 2002-09-01 |
* denotes presenting person