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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Department of Hydrology - Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer

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Past Agenda "Lehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie"

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DatePresenting personTitleContact
Mo. 2025-03-03 (09:00-10:00)Rafaela LüpfertLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Quantifizierung des Grundwasserzuflusses und Untersuchung der Gewässerchemie der Werra im hessisch-thüringischen KalirevierLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2025-02-24 (09:00-10:00)Sarah BrinkheetkerLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Impact of Arsenic and Humic Acid on Antimony Immobilization during Aerobic Fe(II)-OxidationLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2025-02-03 (08:45-09:45)Nathalie KryschakLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Cryptic sulfur cycling in terrestrial systemsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2025-01-20 (09:00-10:00)Lars SchindlerLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Characterizing surface water-groundwater exchange using longitudinal profiles of stream temperature and radonLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-12-09 (09:00-10:00)Anna-Maria SeiverthLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Temperature as a tracer for temporal dynamics and spatial patterns in groundwater fluxes in a tidal creek system on Texel, NetherlandsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-11-25 (09:00-10:00)Jule WernerLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Radon as Tracer to map and quantify groundwater and nutrient fluxes to lake Oosterduinse Meer, NetherlandsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-11-11 (09:00-10:00)Brooke RiscoeLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Characterizing the Nutrient and Discharge Dynamics of the Altmühl and Igelsbach Catchments [Details]Luisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-10-21 (09:00-10:00)Aura Ines Ballesteros MontealegreLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Influence of dissolved organic matter and arsenic on antimony sorption to ferrihydrite: Insights into antimony immobilization mechanisms in mining environmentsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-09-23 (09:00-10:00)Yan MaLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Speciation and mobilization of iron and phosphorus during dynamic redox conditions in wetland soilsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-09-16 (09:00-10:00)Mechthild RappoldLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Geophysical characterisation of biogeochemical hotspots and hot moments in a minerotrophic fen: mechanisms and dynamicsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-09-09 (09:00-10:00)Daniel PittnerLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Ermittlung der Radon-Porenwasseraktivität mittels unterschiedlicher Inkubations- und Auswertungsmethoden sowie Anwendung auf die Ermittlung der räumlichen Heterogenität des Radon-Endmembers im Einzugsgebiets des GlansLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-09-09 (09:00-10:00)Johanna GleißLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Implications of heterogeneity in sediment thermal conductivity on heat tracing submarine ground water dischargeLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-09-02 (09:00-10:00)Jule WernerLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Radon as a tracer to map and quantify groundwater discharge and nutrient balances in the lake Oosterduinse Meer (Netherlands)Luisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-08-05 (09:00-10:00)Anna-Maria SeiverthLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Temperature as a tracer for temporal dynamics and spatial patterns in groundwater fluxes in a tidal creek system on Texel, NetherlandsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-07-15 (09:00-10:00)Anica SteinichLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Influence of UV degradation and iron redox chemistry on aggregation and sedimentation of polystyrene microplasticsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-07-08 (09:00-10:00)Patricia KapplerLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Assessing the Impact of In-Stream Dispersion on the Quantification of Groundwater Inflow Rates in a Radon Mass Balance ModelLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-06-17 (09:00-10:00)Xiaoqiao TangLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Pyrite Formation at Ambient Temperature: Interplay Between Iron Minerals, Sulfide Supply and Associated OrganicsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-06-03 (09:00-10:00)Sarah BrinkheetkerLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: How does antimony speciation and the presence of humic acid influence Fe(II) oxidation under oxygen-saturated conditions?Luisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-05-13 (09:00-10:00)Aura Ines Ballesteros MontealegreLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Dissolved organic matter influence in sorption/desorption of antimony in iron mineralsLuisa Hopp
Mo. 2024-04-29 (08:45-10:00)Luisa HoppLehrstuhlseminar Hydrologie: Jährliche Sicherheitsbelehrung 2024Luisa Hopp
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