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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Department of Hydrology - Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer

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Clara Martínez-PérezDr.

Clara Martínez-Pérez

Research Associate
Limnological Research Station

Phone: +49 (0)921-55 2223
Room: Limnologische Station
e-Mail: Clara.Martinez-Perez(at)uni-bayreuth.de

Head of the Limnological Research Station at the Department of Hydrology

Research Interests:

  • Aquatic biogeochemistry: primary production and nitrogen fixation in marine and freshwater systems
  • Microbial interactions: characterization of interactions at the microscale (e.g., using microscopy, microfluidics and single-cell rate measurements) and their impacts on biogeochemical cycling at the macro scale
  • Algal microbiome: defining the „microbiome“ of unicellular algae, including bacterial traits of algal-associated bacteria, microbial community assembly, and community shifts and adaptations under environmental stressors

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