Past Agenda
<< Agenda|«« «« .. 40 .. 80 .. 120 .. 160 .. 200 .. 240 .. 280 .. »» »»|
Date | Presenting person | Title | Contact |
Mo. 2011-02-07 (16:15-17:45) | Studium: Der Einsatz von Kleinrammbohrungen in der Altlastenerkundung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen [Details] | Uwe Kunkel | |
Mo. 2011-02-07 (16:15-17:45) | Talk: Der Einsatz von Kleinrammbohrungen in der Altlastenerkundung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen [Details] | Uwe Kunkel | |
Th. 2011-02-03 (16:15-17:45) | Prof. Dr. Ralf Seppelt, Department Computational Landscape Ecology, University of Halle-Wittenberg | BayCEER Colloquium: On the rise (and the fall) of the ecosystem service concept [Details] | |
Th. 2011-02-03 (14:00) | Studium: Vorbesprechung Nutzungskonflikte in TW-Einzugsgebieten (SS2011, BSc. Geoökologie) [Details] | Christoph Hartmann | |
Th. 2011-01-27 (16:15-17:45) | Prof. Dr. James Kirchner, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee, und Landschaft (WSL), Birmensdorf, Schweiz | BayCEER Colloquium: Hydrological processes revealed by high-frequency chemical dynamics spanning the periodic table [Details] | |
Th. 2011-01-20 (16:15-17:45) | Dr. Naoise Nunan, Bioemco, laboratory Centre INRA Versailles-Grignon, France | BayCEER Colloquium: Do microbe-habitat interactions affect the relationship between microbial diversity and carbon dynamics in soil? [Details] | |
Th. 2010-12-09 (16:15-17:45) | Prof. Dr. Klaus Lunau, Arbeitsgruppe Sinnesökologie, WS Biologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | BayCEER Colloquium: Farbpräferenzen von blütenbesuchenden Bienen und Schwebfliegen [Details] | |
Th. 2010-11-25 (15:45-17:00) | Dr. Michael Pester, Faculty of Life Sciences, Dept. of Microbial Ecology (DOME), University of Vienna | BayCEER Colloquium: Sulfate-reducing microorganisms in low-sulfate peatlands: overlooked key players in the interwined biogeochemical cycles of peat soils? [Details] | |
We. 2010-11-24 (19:30) | Prof. Dr. Michael Succow, Universität Greifswald | Klimafaktor Moor - Funktion und Funktionstüchtigkeit der Moore der Erde [Details] | |
Fr. 2010-11-19-Su. 2010-11-21 | Workshop: Workshoptagung "Globaler Wandel - Verlust an Ressourcen" [Details] | ||
Th. 2010-11-18 (16:15-17:45) | Dr. Jen-How Huang, Inst. f. Biogeochemie u. Schadstoffdynamik, ETH Zürich | BayCEER Colloquium: Impact of microbial activity on arsenic reduction, mobilization and sequestration at the mineral-solution interface [Details] | |
Th. 2010-11-04 (16:15-17:45) | Prof. Dr. Pavel Tarasov, Institute for Geological Sciences, Palaeontology, Freie Universitt Berlin | BayCEER Colloquium: Pollen-based reconstructions of the late Quaternary vegetation and climate: Numerical approaches and case studies from northern Asia [Details] | |
Th. 2010-10-28 (16:15-17:45) | Prof. Dr. Georg Schwedt, Emeritus TU Clausthal | BayCEER Colloquium: Chemie und Literatur: Ein Abwasserprozess im Roman "Pfisters Mühle" von Wilhelm Raabe [Details] | |
Th. 2010-10-21 (16:15-17:45) | Prof. Hugh A. L. Henry, University of Western Ontario, Canada | BayCEER Colloquium: Climate warming and atmospheric nitrogen deposition in temperate systems: do winter processes matter? [Details] | |
Mo. 2010-10-18 (10:00) | Erstsemester: Vorstellung Tutorienprogramm für Studienanfänger (B.Sc.) | Michael Radke | |
Mo. 2010-09-27-Fr. 2010-10-01 | Conferences: Annual Meeting of the German Limnological Society (DGL) [Details] | ||
Mo. 2010-09-06-Th. 2010-09-09 | Conferences: Umwelt 2010 [Details] | Michael Radke | |
Sa. 2010-07-24 | Studium: Ende Vorlesungszeit SS 2010 | ||
Th. 2010-07-22 (16:15-17:45) | Dr. Michal Hejcman, University of Kamýcká, Dept. of Ecology, Czech Republic | BayCEER Colloquium: Ecosystem response to fertilizer application in grasslands: what can tell us long-term experiments? [Details] | |
Th. 2010-07-15 | Studienbewerber: Bewerbungsfrist Geoökologie (B.Sc. und M.Sc.) 2010 [Details] | Michael Hauhs |