Technical Instructions for Presentations
Oral Presentations
Time slot for oral presentations is 15 minutes (12 minutes presentation + 3 minutes discussion). Please stay in time!
In each lecture hall there is a projection unit. The following presentation software will be provided: Adobe Reader 9, Microsoft Power Point 2007 and OpenOffice Presenter 3.1. The presentation file must be submitted on-line (Login + Password from the registration mail). Deadline for submission of presentation files is Thursday 7:00 in the morning.
Best poster format is DIN A0 Portrait. There will be the poster number on each board. Poster pins will be provided.
Poster Presentations
There is a poster presentation in the lecture hall. You have one minute and one slide to present your poster. You may use the template file given here. It is not resonable to put the whole poster on the slide. The intention of poster presentations is to give a quick overview to the audience, which posters might be interesting for them. Thus please only present the topic of your poster. For details there is the poster session!
Submission of the poster presentation file will use the same on-line procedure as for oral presentations. However only pdf-files will be accepted. Deadline for submission is Thursday 7:00 in the morning. You should indicate the poster number on your slide. All submitted pdf-files of the poster of a symposium will get merged into on large pdf-file by the conference office. A missing file will imply that you do not want to give a poster presentation.