P-TRAP / Teilprojekt 9 / Studying the effect of Fe addition to sediments on the sedimentary biogeochemical processes (EU-Projekt, Grant Agreement No. 813 438) ESR 9: Studying the effect of Fe addition to sediments on the sedimentary biogeochemical processes
P-TRAP / Teilprojekt 1 / Development of an on-site phosphorus retention technology (EU-Projekt, Grant Agreement No. 813 438) ESR 1: Development of an on-site phosphorus retention technology
AQUAKLIF / Teilprojekt 7 / Implementierung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Bayklif / LMU München) Implementierung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
SFB 1357 TPB01: Physikalisch-chemische Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Wechselwirkungen an und mit Mikroplastik-Partikeln in wässriger Lösung (SFB 1357 B01) Verhalten und Migration in und zwischen Umweltkompartimenten
Completed Projects
AQUAKLIF / Teilprojekt 3 / Einfluss multipler Stressoren auf N, C und Fe Umsätze in der hyporheischen Zone (Bayklif / LMU München) Einfluss multipler Stressoren auf N, C und Fe Umsätze in der hyporheischen Zone
Transport of New Environmental Pollutants in Porous Media: Micro-/nanoparticles (MicNan) Taotao Lu, Stefan Peiffer, Sven Frei
Selenate reduction by sulfided zero iron (DFG PE 438/24-1) Selenatreduktion durch sulfidiertes nullwertiges Eisen
The influence of topography and other natural factors on the mobilization of dissolved organic carbon in the Bavarian Forest National Park (GLASER-Stiftung und die PLETTNER-Stiftung) This joint project aims to understand mechanisms influencing DOC export and mobilization in the streams of the Bavarian Forest National Park, with the focus on topography .
Modellhafte Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung eines naturnahen, passiv-biologischen Verfahrens ohne Energie- und Chemikalieneintrag zur nachhaltigen Aufbereitung kontaminierter Bergbauabwässer (DBU 33012/01-23) Joscha Opitz, Stefan Peiffer
Rückgewinnung von Phosphat aus anaeroben flachen Grundwässern unter landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden mit Hilfe von Eisen(III)-haltigen Adsorbenzien (---) Maria Klug, Stefan Peiffer
Novel ecological Absorbent using schwertmannite material for Removal of Selenate and Selenite from contaminated water. (EU 706140) Bouchra Marouane, Stefan Peiffer
"KMU-innovativ Verbundprojekt SAWA: Verwertung von Schwertmannit für Adsorbenzien zur energieneutralen, passiven Wasseraufbereitung, Teilprojekt C" (SAWA 02WQ1309C) Maria Klug, Stefan Peiffer
Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover in Sediments of the Soyang Lake Reservoir (TERRECO Cluster H-03) Kiyong Kim, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Stefan Peiffer
Water Sources, Flow Paths and Residence Time in a Forested Catchment of the East Asian Monsoon Region (TERRECO Cluster H-02) Jean-Lionel Payeur-Poirier, Stefan Peiffer, Luisa Hopp
The influence of hydrological dynamics on iron mineral transformation (Water Alliance) Moli Wan, Stefan Peiffer, Stefan Peiffer
The influence of hydrological dynamics on iron mineral transformation (Water Alliance) Moli Wan, Stefan Peiffer, Stefan Peiffer
Material processing at Haean Basin scale: The role of hyporheic exchange and the riparian zone in NO3 and DOC export from catchments (TERRECO WP 2-12) Svenja Bartsch, Christopher L. Shope, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer
Assessing water yield and water quality in complex terrain at small catchment and regional scales (TERRECO WP 2-14) Christopher L. Shope, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer
Stimulation the anaerobic oxidation of pyrite by activators at pH 7 in the presence of nitrate (FOR 580 PEI/1) Ruiwen Yan, Stefan Peiffer
Redox processes along gradients (FOR 580 KNO) Zhiguo Yu, Stefan Peiffer, Klaus-Holger Knorr
Impact of groundwater-surface water interactions on sediment biogeochemistry in an acidic mine lake (DFG BL563/15-1) Julia Beer, Christian Blodau, Stefan Peiffer
Impact of climate change on DOC and nitrate export for a forested catchment (LFU) Martin Reichert, Sven Frei, Stefan Strohmeier, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Jan Fleckenstein, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer
Structurally optimized modeling of non-linear effects of meteorological extreme events on water and solute dynamics (DFG FOR 562 TP 4) Sven Frei, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer
Optimisation of CO2 binding by reaction with alkaline residual materials through the ALCATRAP process (ALCATRAP) Markus Bauer, Stefan Peiffer
Development and optimisation of a process to biosynthesize reactive iron mineral surfaces for Water treatment purposes (SURFTRAP) Susanta Paikaray, Christin Damian, Stefan Peiffer
Limitations of solute exports from a fen soil by substrate availability and transport processes (DFG FOR 562 TP 7) Christina Weyer, Gunnar Lischeid, Stefan Peiffer
Coupling of iron and sulphur cycle - the linking process (FOR 580 PEI) Katrin Hellige, Stefan Peiffer
The Effect of Iron(III)-Sulfide Interactions on Electron Transfer Processes in Anoxic Aquifers (FOR 580 PEI) Katrin Hellige, Stefan Peiffer
Scientific Support in Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Chemical Speciation Modelling, Coordination and Management (FOR 580 Z) Christian Schröder, Stefan Peiffer, Stefan Haderlein
Storage of CO2 and Generation of Alkalinity from Reaction of Alkaline Ashes with Flue Gas (BMBF (03G0614C)) Martin Back, Martina Heider, Stefan Peiffer
Molecular biological and chemical Characterisation, modelling and optimisation of an established biogas plant (Bayer. Forschungsstiftung (AZ: 593/03)) Likke Likke, Stefan Peiffer
Untersuchung der Mobilisierung/Immobilisierung von Arsen an einem Aquifermaterial unter dem Einfluss von Sickerwässern mit hohem DOC-Gehalt (LfU 2006) Markus Bauer, Stefan Peiffer, Michael Radke
In-situ Spannungen, Mikrotektonik und Gesteins-Fluid-Interaktionen in einem seismisch und hydrothermal aktiven Gebiet krustaler Dehnung (DFG (Pe438/9-1)) Stefan Peiffer
Kopplung der Oxidation von reduzierten Schwefelverbindungen mit der Reduktion von Fe-Mineralen in anoxischen Sedimenten saurer Seen, Teilprojekt Geochemie (DFG Ku 1367/1) Winfrid Gade, Stefan Peiffer
Durchführung von Säulenversuchen, Elutionen, Lysimeterversuchen und Stofftransportmodellierungen im Hinblick auf die Verfahrensoptimierung zur Sickerwasserprognose (Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft (LfW)) Wolfgang Durner, Luisa Hopp, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann
Natural Attenuation - LCKW-Schadensfall Säureharzdeponie Birkach bei Kronach (STMLU Az. 86b-8786.0-2000/1) Silke Marczinek, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann
Langzeitverhalten carbonhaltiger Gasdränschichten bei Durchströmung mit aggressiven Deponiegasen - Grundlagenuntersuchungen (BayFORREST F163) Stefan Peiffer, Peter Rothenhöfer, Reimer Herrmann
Investigations concerning mechanisms and kinetics of the inorganic sulfur-bonding in acidified forest soils and identification of the solid-phases of sulfur (BITÖK-S 9) Stefan Peiffer
Contribution of Redoxchemical Processes to the Neutralization of Atmospheric Acidification in Small Watersheds, Frankenwald (Northeast-Bavaria) (BITÖK-S 8) Jörg Lindemann, Stefan Peiffer, Reimer Herrmann
Projects from other divisions
The effect of iron(III)-sulfide interactions on electron transfer processes in anoxic aquifers (FOR 580 PEI/2) Moli Wan, Stefan Peiffer
Wasserkreislauf (FORKLAN 3) Thomas Foken, Stefan Peiffer
Pharmaceutical Transport in Agricultural Soils (TERRECO Cluster A-06) Jong Yol Park, Bernd Huwe, Stefan Peiffer, Yong Sik Ok, John Tenhunen
TP3 Influence of multiple stressors on N, C and Fe turnover in the hyporheic zone (AQUAKLIF_TP3) Robin Kaule, Silvia Parra Suárez, Stefan Peiffer, Ben Gilfedder
TP7 implementation and outreach activities (TP7 implementation and public relations) Katharina Blaurock, Birgit Thies, Stefan Peiffer
Multiple stressors in stream in river systems in a changing climate: climatic effects on the C, N, Fe cycles and coupling with hydrology (AQUAKLIF) Stefan Peiffer, Ben Gilfedder
Completed Projects
Understanding natural carbon cycles and export dynamics in the Baverian Forest (GLASER-Stiftung und die PLETTNER-Stiftung) Stefan Peiffer, Luisa Hopp, Jan Fleckenstein, Ben Gilfedder
Isotopic N Exchange at Critical Landscape Interfaces (TERRECO Cluster H-01) Silvia Parra Suárez, Gerhard Gebauer, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park
Water Sources, Flow Paths and Residence Time in a Forested Catchment of the East Asian Monsoon Region (TERRECO Cluster H-02) Jean-Lionel Payeur-Poirier, Luisa Hopp, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park
Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover in Sediments of the Soyang Lake Reservoir (TERRECO Cluster H-03) Kiyong Kim, Stefan Peiffer, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Bomchul Kim, Bernd Huwe
Forest Type DOC/CON Dynamics and Exports (TERRECO Cluster F-04) Mi-Hee Lee, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer, Ji-Hyung Park
Isotopic N Exchange at Critical Landscape Interfaces (TERRECO Cluster H-01) Silvia Parra Suárez, Gerhard Gebauer, Stefan Peiffer, Egbert Matzner, Ji-Hyung Park
Forest Type DOC/CON Dynamics and Exports (DFG-TERRECO Cluster F-04) Mi-Hee Lee, Egbert Matzner, Stefan Peiffer, Ji-Hyung Park
Humic substances and aquatic microbial ecology - comparisons in ecosystems of Korea and Germany (TERRECO WP 2-03) Tae Seok Ahn, Stefan Peiffer
Stimulation the anaerobic oxidation of pyrite by activators at pH 7 in the presence of nitrate (FOR 580 PEI/1) Ruiwen Yan, Stefan Peiffer
Analysis and modeling of flow systems in soils under different topographic and land use conditions (TERRECO WP 2-10) Marianne Ruidisch, Camila Gaviria, Bernd Huwe, Stefan Peiffer, John Tenhunen
Structurally optimized modeling of non-linear effects of meteorological extreme events on water and solute dynamics (DFG FOR 562 TP 4: (2008-2011)) Sven Frei, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer
Global climatic change and its effects on the export of nitrate and dissolved organic matter from forested watersheds (LfU 2009/2010) Martin Reichert, Egbert Matzner, Jan Fleckenstein, Stefan Peiffer