Systematic investiagtion on the concentration dynamics of pharmaceutical residues in rivers and river sediments (DFG Ra 896/8-1) Uwe Kunkel, Jutta Eckert, Martina Rohr, Heidi Zier, Michael Radke
Application of the Peat Archive as Tool in Environmental Chemistry (APATEC) Sabine Thüns, Michael Radke, Christian Blodau
Contamination of water bodies with antibiotics from shrimp farms: current situation and reclamation technologies (VNM10/A04) Michael Radke
Screening for transformation products and metabolites of pharmaceuticals in treated and untreated waste water (DFG RA896/10-2) Michael Radke
Formation and fate of transformation products of pharmaceutically active substances in the aquatic environment (DFG RA896/10-1) Michael Radke
Atmospheric transport of persistent organic pollutants (POP) to bogs in Eastern Canada (PPP Kanada) Sabine Thüns, Paul Barthel, Michael Radke
Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in Dairy Farm Groundwater (BaCaTeC Ra) Michael Radke
Untersuchung der Mobilisierung/Immobilisierung von Arsen an einem Aquifermaterial unter dem Einfluss von Sickerwässern mit hohem DOC-Gehalt (LfU 2006) Markus Bauer, Stefan Peiffer, Michael Radke
Organische Schadstoffe und Schwermetalle in nördlichen Mooren (BMBF CAN 05/A07) Michael Radke
Untersuchung des urbanen Aerosols auf abwasserbürtige Aerosole anhand der Tracer Choprostanol und Cholesterol (STMLU ) Michael Radke, Reimer Herrmann