Christopher L. Shope
PostdocAt Hydrology until 09/2012
e-Mail: cshope(at)usgs.gov
Post Doctoral Researcher at Department of Hydrology, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Winter 2009 to August 2012
Integrated modeling of water and solute fluxes throughout a small catchment is simulated using the spatially-distributed SWAT2005 model. Field-based meteorological conditions, hydrology, biology, solute and sediment transport, and social and land use pattern data are being collected in the Haean-myun Basin in South Korea. The field data are used to parameterize and calibrate several local scale process based conceptual, topographic, and numerical models. The key processes that regulate both water quantity and quality are examined to simulate sediment, nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved organic carbon outputs in this highly agricultural region.
Several integrated experimental strategies such as monitoring of soil water dynamics and sediment transport measured within run-off plots during extreme event periods are being used to calibrate the soil water and erosion module in SWAT. Topographically variable, spatio-temporal surface water and groundwater elevation and concentration datasets are being collected. Temporally varying land use patterns and agricultural management practices are being implemented.
The modeling framework described is used to perform scenario simulations examining temporal changes in land use practices and climatic effects on water quantity and quality in complex terrain. An important part of this work is examining the social relationship between land management practices and the value of sustainable resources. A link between the small catchment population structure and these management practices to the resultant ecosystem services provided is being pursued. The water quality and sediment results from this catchment in conjunction with stochastic estimates from the remainder of the watershed impact the Lake Soyang reservoir, a drinking water supply to Seoul. Future work includes extrapolation of several catchment results with differing land use patterns to quantify potential nutrient loading within the Lake Soyang reservoir.
Joint Summer 2011 Hydrology Field Campaign in Haean Catchment
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