Aura Ines Ballesteros Montealegre (2024) | Influence of dissolved organic matter on Sb sorption to Fe(III) oxides: Disentangling immobilization mechanisms of Sb in mining environment |
Brooke Riscoe (2024) | Characterizing the Nutrient and Discharge Dynamics of the Altmuehl and Igelsbach Catchments |
Yan Ma (2024) | Speciation and mobilization of iron and phosphorus during dynamic redox conditions in wetland soils |
Patricia Kappler (2024) | Analyse des Einflusses der Dispersion in Fließgewässern auf die Quantifizierung von Grundwasserzuflussraten in einem Radon-Basierten Massenbilanzmodell |
Daria Vdovenko (2024) | Coupled effects of organic matter and phosphate on schwertmannite stability in waterlogged soils |
Lorenz Loos (2023) | Einfluss von Baggerseen auf die Nitratkonzentration in Grundwasser: Ein Beispiel vom Obermain |
Lisa Rohn (2023) | Phosphorus release under controlled oxygen and iron concentrations from a shallow lakes's sediment |
Katja Scharrer (2023) | The Effects of Droughts on the Groundwater Levels stream discharge in the Geological Area of White Jurassic and Tertiary Hills in Bavaria, Germany |
Hannah-Kristin Weishäupl (2023) | UV degradation of polystyrene and its implications on aggregation and sedimentation of microplastic |
Marco La Capra (2023) | Microplastic transport in corse sediment |
Hannah-Kristin Weishäupl (2023) | UV degradation of polystyrene and its implications on aggregation and sedimentation of microplastic |
Sacha Aira Nadine Ferrer (2023) | Microplastic transport through saturated porous media: effect of particle size, relative grain size, and flow rate |
Isabel Piccon (2022) | Bestimmung der Verweilzeit von Uferfiltrat durch kontinuierliche Radon-222 Messung in einem Wasserwerk - Oberer Wöhrd - in Regensburg |
Sin Chan (2022) | The influence of suboxic condition and carbon availability on iron dynamics in the hyporheic zone of headwater stream in NE Bavaria (Mähringsbach) |
Anna Christine Pudelko (2022) | Studying the Release Rates, Release Mechanism and long-time Burial of Phosphorous in the Sediment of three Lakes in the Franconian Lake District |
Christina Presser (2022) | Wässerwiesen im unteren Wiesenttal - Einfluss der traditionellen Wiesenbewässerung auf Grundwasserstände und Oberflächengewässer |
Jana Schultz (2022) | Target, Suspect and Non-Target Screening of Anthropogenic Organic Micropollutants in Soils, Groundwater and Surface Water of the Water Meadows around the Wiesent near Forchheim |
Maximilian Horsch (2022) | Can plant Radon fluxes be used to determine relative root water uptake depths in Medicago Sativa during drought |
Silvia Dischner (2022) | The impact of water temperature, discharge and sediment composition onto the stream metabolism |
Joana List (2022) | Using Temperature and Chemistry to Determine Groundwater Discharge and Chemical Cycling at a Groundwater Dependent Wetland, Königshafen, Sylt |
Eric Nakoh (2021) | Phosphorus fractions and their potential for mobilization in drained wetland soils |
Peter Uhuegbue (2021) | Phosphate removal from water using schwertmannite: The role of structural phosphate incorporation >> more... |
Carina Wenisch (2021) | Eintrag von Phosphat aus Drainagen in die Eger im Weißenstädter Becken |
Phil Garthen (2021) | Elucidating sources and pathways of dissolved organic carbon in a Bavarian Forest headwater catchment - a qualitative assessment of stream, soil and shallow groundwater |
Philipp Auernheimer (2021) | Dynamik und räumliche Muster der Grund- und Oberflächenabflussgeneration im Schäferbach-Einzugsgebiet |
Marielle Blankenhorn (2020) | Characterizing groundwater inflow to mining lake 77 and its influence on iron and sulfate distribution and speciation |
Muhammad Waseem (2020) | The influence of biofilm growth on microplastic sinking velocities and its importance for lake ecosystems |
Thomas Süß (2020) | The Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Soil Hydrological Properties: A Field Study at a Riparian Site and a Hillslope Site in the Wüstebach Catchment |
Jonas Schneider (2020) | Identifying Micropollutants in Former Greenhouse Site Soils Using HPLC-HRMS Non-Target Screening |
Johanna Schmidtmann (2019) | The behaviour of microplastics in aquatic environments: Heteroaggregation of polystyrene in the presence of ferrihydrite |
Andrea Spirkaneder (2019) | Hydrogeochemische Grundwasserbeschaffenheit von Messstellen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung diffuser Nährstoffeinträge >> more... |
Fabian Wismeth (2019) | Quantification of the surface-/groundwater interactions and the pot. denitrification capaities of the Spree river >> more... |
Simone Reck (2018) | Nitratabbauvermögen der Uferzone und Einfluss von Regenereignissen auf die Nährstoffmobilisierung im Einzugsgebiet des Lauterbachs (Fichtelgebirge) |
Thilo Schramm (2018) | Calibration of a three dimensional dual-permeability hydrological model at the catchment scale using DREAM |
Silvia Schultes (2018) | Mapping and quantifying groundwater discharge to the Ammersee (Oberbayern) >> more... |
Christian Jost (2017) | Sequential Managed Aquifer Recharge Technology (SMART); Linking the Residence Times in a Pond with the Degradation of Nutrients and Pharmaceuticals on an Island in Lake Tegel |
Anna Bergmann (2017) | Investigation of phsphor input to the lake of Weißenstadt and concepts for remediation |
Fanny Rumpler (2017) | Phosphat-Immobilisierung an Schwertmannit und Rückgewinnung durch reduktive Mineralauflösung mit Shewanella oneidenisis MR-1 und S. loihica PV-4 |
Jan Kupp (2017) | Runoff generation in a snow-dominated catchment in the Dolomites |
Clarissa Glaser (2016) | Quantifizierung und Charakterisierung des "Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD)" in einem Priel und dessen Einzugsgebiet auf Spiekeroog (Norddeutschland) |
Bettina Schmid (2016) | Two water worlds in temperate forests?´Comparing partitioning of water in two forested headwater catchments in Germany |
Magdalena Frey (2016) | Charakterisierung des Potentials von Uferzonen zur Nitratelimination |
Ines Pieruschka (2016) | Bestimmung des Grundwasserzu- und -abflusses anhand von Wasserbilanz und Hydrochemie in einem geklüfteten anthropogenen Seesystem |
Benedikt Werner (2016) | Insights into the metabolism of an urban wetland by high Resolution measurements |
Eva Dinkel (2016) | Strömungsmodellierung im Anstrombereich der Brunnen des Wasserwerkes Eichelberg östlich von Nürnberg >> more... |
Jonas Schaper (2015) | Uranium (VI) Binding by dissolved organic matter: Influence of water chemistry and dissolved organic matter properties |
Markus Schmitt (2015) | Electrochemical redox characterisation of dissolved organic matter - Influence of redox state and material quality in two peatlands-dominated forested catchments |
Barbara Glaser (2015) | Dynamics of surface saturation in the riparian zone - experimental investigation and modelling |
Winnie Seifert (2014) | Factors affecting the spatial pattern of infiltration capacity at the hillslope scale |
Tobias Sluka (2014) | Modellgestützte Untersuchung der Effekte eines Monsunklimas auf hydrologische Fließwege und Verweilzeiten auf der Hangskala |
Kathleen Rathenow (2014) | The impact of Land Use and Rain Events on sulutes and DOC Quantity and Quality in a Lake-watershed with various subwatersheds |
Peter Ruder (2014) | Untersuchung von sedimentären Grundwasserleitern in Bezug auf Pyrit und elementaren Schwefel |
Klara Merz (2013) | Retention von Perflourtensiden an Schwertmannit |
Sindy Wagner (2013) | Characterization of peat decomposition, element distribution patterns, and solute exports in two bog sites of the Thuringian Forest |
Stefan Durejka (2013) | Characterisation of lake wetland exchange in southern Ontario, Canada |
Klaus Kasparbauer (2013) | Hydraulic and geochemical characterisation of a lake - wetland interface in a partially flooded bog in Ontario, Canada |
Olga Näb (2012) | Origin of acidity in ground waters of Western Australia |
Christiane Clemens (2011) | Begleitende Untersuchungen zur Renaturierung eines Niedermoores |
Tanja Broder (2011) | Steuerungsmechanismen der Kohlenstoffmineralisierung in kontrastierenden Moorstandorten in Patagonien (Chile) |