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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Department of Hydrology - Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer

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Finished Master Thesis

Nathalie Kryschak (2025)Cryptic sulfur cycling at low sulfate concentrations: The effect of iron addition on sulfate reduction
Jule Werner (2024)Radon as tracer to map and quantify groundwater and nutrient fluxes to lake Oosterduinse Meer, Netherlands
Anna-Maria Seiverth (2024)Temperatur als Tracer für zeitliche Dynamik und räumliche Muster von Grundwasserflüssen in einem Prielsystem auf Texel, Niederlande
Aura Ines Ballesteros Montealegre (2024)Influence of dissolved organic matter on Sb sorption to Fe(III) oxides: Disentangling immobilization mechanisms of Sb in mining environment
Yan Ma (2024)Speciation and mobilization of iron and phosphorus during dynamic redox conditions in wetland soils
Brooke Riscoe (2024)Characterizing the Nutrient and Discharge Dynamics of the Altmuehl and Igelsbach Catchments
Patricia Kappler (2024)Analyse des Einflusses der Dispersion in Fließgewässern auf die Quantifizierung von Grundwasserzuflussraten in einem Radon-Basierten Massenbilanzmodell
Daria Vdovenko (2024)Coupled effects of organic matter and phosphate on schwertmannite stability in waterlogged soils
Lisa Rohn (2023)Phosphorus release under controlled oxygen and iron concentrations from a shallow lakes's sediment
Lorenz Loos (2023)Einfluss von Baggerseen auf die Nitratkonzentration in Grundwasser: Ein Beispiel vom Obermain
Katja Scharrer (2023)The Effects of Droughts on the Groundwater Levels stream discharge in the Geological Area of White Jurassic and Tertiary Hills in Bavaria, Germany
Hannah-Kristin Weishäupl (2023)UV degradation of polystyrene and its implications on aggregation and sedimentation of microplastic
Marco La Capra (2023)Microplastic transport in corse sediment
Hannah-Kristin Weishäupl (2023)UV degradation of polystyrene and its implications on aggregation and sedimentation of microplastic
Sacha Aira Nadine Ferrer (2023)Microplastic transport through saturated porous media: effect of particle size, relative grain size, and flow rate
Isabel Piccon (2022)Bestimmung der Verweilzeit von Uferfiltrat durch kontinuierliche Radon-222 Messung in einem Wasserwerk - Oberer Wöhrd - in Regensburg
Anna Christine Pudelko (2022)Studying the Release Rates, Release Mechanism and long-time Burial of Phosphorous in the Sediment of three Lakes in the Franconian Lake District
Sin Chan (2022)The influence of suboxic condition and carbon availability on iron dynamics in the hyporheic zone of headwater stream in NE Bavaria (Mähringsbach)
Christina Presser (2022)Wässerwiesen im unteren Wiesenttal - Einfluss der traditionellen Wiesenbewässerung auf Grundwasserstände und Oberflächengewässer
Jana Schultz (2022)Target, Suspect and Non-Target Screening of Anthropogenic Organic Micropollutants in Soils, Groundwater and Surface Water of the Water Meadows around the Wiesent near Forchheim
Maximilian Horsch (2022)Can plant Radon fluxes be used to determine relative root water uptake depths in Medicago Sativa during drought
Silvia Dischner (2022)The impact of water temperature, discharge and sediment composition onto the stream metabolism
Joana List (2022)Using Temperature and Chemistry to Determine Groundwater Discharge and Chemical Cycling at a Groundwater Dependent Wetland, Königshafen, Sylt
Eric Nakoh (2021)Phosphorus fractions and their potential for mobilization in drained wetland soils
Peter Uhuegbue (2021)Phosphate removal from water using schwertmannite: The role of structural phosphate incorporation >> more...
Carina Wenisch (2021)Eintrag von Phosphat aus Drainagen in die Eger im Weißenstädter Becken
Phil Garthen (2021)Elucidating sources and pathways of dissolved organic carbon in a Bavarian Forest headwater catchment - a qualitative assessment of stream, soil and shallow groundwater
Philipp Auernheimer (2021)Dynamik und räumliche Muster der Grund- und Oberflächenabflussgeneration im Schäferbach-Einzugsgebiet
Marielle Blankenhorn (2020)Characterizing groundwater inflow to mining lake 77 and its influence on iron and sulfate distribution and speciation
Muhammad Waseem (2020)The influence of biofilm growth on microplastic sinking velocities and its importance for lake ecosystems
Thomas Süß (2020)The Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Soil Hydrological Properties: A Field Study at a Riparian Site and a Hillslope Site in the Wüstebach Catchment
Jonas Schneider (2020)Identifying Micropollutants in Former Greenhouse Site Soils Using HPLC-HRMS Non-Target Screening
Johanna Schmidtmann (2019)The behaviour of microplastics in aquatic environments: Heteroaggregation of polystyrene in the presence of ferrihydrite
Andrea Spirkaneder (2019)Hydrogeochemische Grundwasserbeschaffenheit von Messstellen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung diffuser Nährstoffeinträge >> more...
Fabian Wismeth (2019)Quantification of the surface-/groundwater interactions and the pot. denitrification capaities of the Spree river >> more...
Simone Reck (2018)Nitratabbauvermögen der Uferzone und Einfluss von Regenereignissen auf die Nährstoffmobilisierung im Einzugsgebiet des Lauterbachs (Fichtelgebirge)
Thilo Schramm (2018)Calibration of a three dimensional dual-permeability hydrological model at the catchment scale using DREAM
Silvia Schultes (2018)Mapping and quantifying groundwater discharge to the Ammersee (Oberbayern) >> more...
Christian Jost (2017)Sequential Managed Aquifer Recharge Technology (SMART); Linking the Residence Times in a Pond with the Degradation of Nutrients and Pharmaceuticals on an Island in Lake Tegel
Anna Bergmann (2017)Investigation of phsphor input to the lake of Weißenstadt and concepts for remediation
Fanny Rumpler (2017)Phosphat-Immobilisierung an Schwertmannit und Rückgewinnung durch reduktive Mineralauflösung mit Shewanella oneidenisis MR-1 und S. loihica PV-4
Jan Kupp (2017)Runoff generation in a snow-dominated catchment in the Dolomites
Clarissa Glaser (2016)Quantifizierung und Charakterisierung des "Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD)" in einem Priel und dessen Einzugsgebiet auf Spiekeroog (Norddeutschland)
Magdalena Frey (2016)Charakterisierung des Potentials von Uferzonen zur Nitratelimination
Bettina Schmid (2016)Two water worlds in temperate forests?´Comparing partitioning of water in two forested headwater catchments in Germany
Ines Pieruschka (2016)Bestimmung des Grundwasserzu- und -abflusses anhand von Wasserbilanz und Hydrochemie in einem geklüfteten anthropogenen Seesystem
Benedikt Werner (2016)Insights into the metabolism of an urban wetland by high Resolution measurements
Eva Dinkel (2016)Strömungsmodellierung im Anstrombereich der Brunnen des Wasserwerkes Eichelberg östlich von Nürnberg >> more...
Jonas Schaper (2015)Uranium (VI) Binding by dissolved organic matter: Influence of water chemistry and dissolved organic matter properties
Markus Schmitt (2015)Electrochemical redox characterisation of dissolved organic matter - Influence of redox state and material quality in two peatlands-dominated forested catchments
Barbara Glaser (2015)Dynamics of surface saturation in the riparian zone - experimental investigation and modelling
Tobias Sluka (2014)Modellgestützte Untersuchung der Effekte eines Monsunklimas auf hydrologische Fließwege und Verweilzeiten auf der Hangskala
Winnie Seifert (2014)Factors affecting the spatial pattern of infiltration capacity at the hillslope scale
Kathleen Rathenow (2014)The impact of Land Use and Rain Events on sulutes and DOC Quantity and Quality in a Lake-watershed with various subwatersheds
Peter Ruder (2014)Untersuchung von sedimentären Grundwasserleitern in Bezug auf Pyrit und elementaren Schwefel
Klara Merz (2013)Retention von Perflourtensiden an Schwertmannit
Sindy Wagner (2013)Characterization of peat decomposition, element distribution patterns, and solute exports in two bog sites of the Thuringian Forest
Stefan Durejka (2013)Characterisation of lake wetland exchange in southern Ontario, Canada
Klaus Kasparbauer (2013)Hydraulic and geochemical characterisation of a lake - wetland interface in a partially flooded bog in Ontario, Canada
Olga Näb (2012)Origin of acidity in ground waters of Western Australia
Christiane Clemens (2011)Begleitende Untersuchungen zur Renaturierung eines Niedermoores
Tanja Broder (2011)Steuerungsmechanismen der Kohlenstoffmineralisierung in kontrastierenden Moorstandorten in Patagonien (Chile)
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