There's something in the air - how do aerosol particles get into the atmosphere?
Presenting person: Prof. Dr. Andreas Held, Universität Bayreuth, Juniorprofessur Atmosphärische ChemieTh. 2010-04-22 (16:15-17:45), H6
Aerosol particles have a big impact on the Earth's climate, human health, and the input of nutrients and pollutants into ecosystems. But how do these tiny particles get into the atmosphere? There are natural sources such as desert dust and sea spray, and there are anthropogenic sources such as soot particles from combustion processes. Some particles are emitted directly into the atmosphere while others are formed from precursor gases after chemical reaction. Many of these processes are not fully understood and cannot be quantified without large uncertainties. We will look at recent advances in our understanding of atmospheric aerosol sources and some large gaps that still exist.
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