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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie - Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer

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Jan Fleckenstein: Publikationen

Peer reviewed


Boos, J., Dichgans, F., Fleckenstein, J., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S.: Assessing the Behavior of Microplastics in Fluvial Systems : Infiltration and Retention Dynamics in Streambed Sediments. Water Resources Research, 60(2), e2023WR035532 (2024).

Ahmadi, P., Dichgans, F., Jagau, L., Schmidt, C., Aizinger, V., Gilfedder, B., Fleckenstein, J.: Systematic CFD-based evaluation of physical factors influencing the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of microplastic particles in lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 917, 170218 (2024).


Winter, C., Nguyen, T., Musolff, A., Lutz, S., Rode, M., Kumar, R., Fleckenstein, J.: Droughts can reduce the nitrogen retention capacity of catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(1), 303-318 (2023).

Dichgans, F., Boos, J., Ahmadi, P., Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Integrated Numerical Modeling to Quantify Transport and Fate of Microplastics in the Hyporheic Zone. Water Research, 243, 120349 (2023).


Winter, C., Tarasova, L., Lutz, S., Musolff, A., Kumar, R., Fleckenstein, J.: Explaining the Variability in High-Frequency Nitrate Export Patterns Using Long-Term Hydrological Event Classification. Water Resources Research, 58(1), e2021WR030938 (2022).

Schmidtmann, J., Elagami, H., Gilfedder, B., Fleckenstein, J., Papastavrou, G., Mansfeld, U., Peiffer, S.: Heteroaggregation of PS microplastic with ferrihydrite leads to rapid removal of microplastic particles from the water column. Environmental Science : Processes & Impacts, 24(10), 1782-1789 (2022).

Elagami, H., Ahmadi, P., Fleckenstein, J., Frei, S., Obst, M., Agarwal, S., Gilfedder, B.: Measurement of microplastic settling velocities and implications for residence times in thermally stratified lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 67(4), 934-945 (2022).

Blaurock, K., Garthen, P., da Silva, M., Beudert, B., Gilfedder, B., Fleckenstein, J., Peiffer, S., Lechtenfeld, O., Hopp, L.: Riparian Microtopography Affects Event‐Driven Stream DOC Concentrations and DOM Quality in a Forested Headwater Catchment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127(12), e2022JG006831 (2022).

Nogueira, G., Schmidt, C., Partington, D., Brunner, P., Fleckenstein, J.: Spatiotemporal variations in water sources and mixing spots in a riparian zone. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26(7), 1883-1905 (2022).

Wang, Z., Jimenez-Fernandez, O., Osenbrück, K., Schwientek, M., Schloter, M., Fleckenstein, J., Lüders, T.: Streambed microbial communities in the transition zone between groundwater and a first-order stream as impacted by bidirectional water exchange. Water Research, 217, 118334 (2022).

Ahmadi, P., Elagami, H., Dichgans, F., Schmidt, C., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Systematic Evaluation of Physical Parameters affecting the Terminal Settling Velocity of Microplastic Particles in Lakes using CFD. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 875220 (2022).


da Silva, M., Blaurock, K., Beudert, B., Fleckenstein, J., Hopp, L., Peiffer, S., Reemtsma, T., Lechtenfeld, O.: Delineating Source Contributions to Stream Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Under Baseflow Conditions in Forested Headwater Catchments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126(8), e2021JG006425 (2021).

Blaurock, K., Beudert, B., Gilfedder, B., Fleckenstein, J., Peiffer, S., Hopp, L.: Low hydrological connectivity after summer drought inhibits DOC export in a forested headwater catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(9), 5133-5151 (2021).

Nogueira, G., Schmidt, C., Trauth, N., Fleckenstein, J.: Seasonal and short‐term controls of riparian oxygen dynamics and the implications for redox processes. Hydrological Processes, 35(2), e14055 (2021).

Nogueira, G., Schmidt, C., Brunner, P., Graeber, D., Fleckenstein, J.: Transit‐Time and Temperature Control the Spatial Patterns of Aerobic Respiration and Denitrification in the Riparian Zone. Water Resources Research, 57(12), e2021WR030117 (2021).

Winter, C., Lutz, S., Musolff, A., Kumar, R., Weber, M., Fleckenstein, J.: Disentangling the Impact of Catchment Heterogeneity on Nitrate Export Dynamics From Event to Long-Term Time Scales. Water Resources Research, 57(1), e2020WR027992 (2021).


Oldham, C., Beer, J., Blodau, C., Fleckenstein, J., Jones, L., Neumann, C., Peiffer, S.: Controls on iron(II) fluxes into waterways impacted by acid mine drainage : A Damköhler analysis of groundwater seepage and iron kinetics. Water Research, 153, 11-20 (2019).

Kolbe, T., de Dreuzy, J., Abbott, B., Aquilina, L., Babey, T., Green, C., Fleckenstein, J., Labasque, T., Laverman, A., Marçais, J., Peiffer, S., Thomas, Z., Pinay, G.: Stratification of reactivity determines nitrate removal in groundwater. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(7), 2494-2499 (2019).


Liggett, J., Partington, D., Frei, S., Werner, A., Simmons, C., Fleckenstein, J.: An exploration of coupled surface-subsurface solute transport in a fully integrated catchment model. Journal of Hydrology, 529, Part 3, 969-979 (2015).

Pinay, G., Peiffer, S., de Dreuzy, J., Krause, S., Hannah, D., Fleckenstein, J., Sebilo, M., Bishop, K., Hubert-Moy, L.: Upscaling nitrogen removal capacity from local hotspots to low stream orders' drainage basins. Ecosystems, 18(6), 1101-1120 (2015).


Bartsch, S., Frei, S., Ruidisch, M., Shope, C., Peiffer, S., Kim, B., Fleckenstein, J.: River-aquifer exchange fluxes under monsoonal climate conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 509, 601-614 (2014).


Strohmeier, S., Knorr, K., Reichert, M., Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J., Peiffer, S., Matzner, E.: Concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in runoff from a forested catchment: Insights from high frequency measurements. Biogeosciences, 10, 905-916 (2013).

Partington, D., Brunner, P., Frei, S., Simmons, C., Werner, A., Therrien, R., Maier, H., Dandy, G., Fleckenstein, J.: Interpreting streamflow generation mechanisms from integrated surface-subsurface flow models of a riparian wetland and catchment. Water Resources Research, 49(9), 5501-5519 (2013).

Bartsch, S., Shope, C., Arnhold, S., Jeong, J., Park, J., Eum, J., Kim, B., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Monsoonal-type climate or land-use management : Understanding their role in the mobilization of nitrate and DOC in a mountainous catchmen. Journal of Hydrology, 507, 149-162 (2013).

Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Representing effects of micro-topography on runoff generation and sub-surface flow patterns by using superficial rill/depression storage height variations. Environmental Modelling & Software, 52, 5-18 (2013).

Neumann, C., Beer, J., Blodau, C., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Spatial patterns of groundwater-lake exchange - implications for acid neutralization processes in an acid mine lake. Hydrological Processes, 27(22), 3240-3253 (2013).

Shope, C., Bartsch, S., Kim, K., Kim, B., Tenhunen, J., Peiffer, S., Park, J., Ok, Y., Fleckenstein, J., Koellner, T.: A weighted, multi-method approach for accurate basin-wide streamflow estimation in an ungauged watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 494, 72-82 (2013).


Jeong, J., Bartsch, S., Fleckenstein, J., Matzner, E., Tenhunen, J., Lee, S., Park, S., Park, J.: Differential storm responses of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in a mounainous headwater stream, investigated by high-frequency, in situ optical measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 117(G3), G03013 (2012).

Frei, S., Knorr, K., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Surface micro-topography causes hot spots of biogeochemical activity in wetland systems : a virtual modeling experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 117(G4), G00N12 (2012).


Krause, S., Hannah, D., Fleckenstein, J., Heppell, C., Kaeser, D., Pickup, R., Pinay, G., Robertson, A., Wood, P.: Inter-disciplinary perspectives on processes in the hyporheic zone. Ecohydrology, 4(4), 481-499 (2011).


Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J., Lischeid, G.: Effects of micro-topography on surface-subsurface exchange and runoff generation in a virtual riparian wetland – a modeling study. Advances in Water Resources, 33(11), 1388-1401 (2010).

Fleckenstein, J., Krause, S., Hannah, D., Boano, F.: Groundwater-surface water interactions: New methods and models to improve understanding of processes and dynamics. Advances in Water Resources, 33(11), 1291-1295 (2010).

Schornberg, C., Schmidt, C., Kalbus, E., Fleckenstein, J.: Simulating the effects of geologic heterogeneity and transient boundary conditions on streambed temperatures — Implications for temperature-based water flux calculations. Advances in Water Resources, 33(11), 1309-1319 (2010).


Krause, S., Hannah, D., Fleckenstein, J.: Hyporheic hydrology: interactions at the groundwater-surface water interface. Hydrological Processes, 23(15), 2103-2107 (2009).

Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J., Kollet, S., Maxwell, R.: Patterns and dynamics of river-aquifer exchange with variably-saturated flow using a fully-coupled model. Journal of Hydrology, 375(3-4), 383-393 (2009).

Fleckenstein, J., Schmidt, C.: Themenheft: Grundwasser-Oberflächenwasser-Interaktionen. Grundwasser, 14(3), 161-162 (2009).

Anibas, C., Fleckenstein, J., Volze, N., Buis, K., Verhoeven, R., Meire, P., Batelaan, O.: Transient or Steady-state? Using vertical temperature profiles to quantify groundwater-surface water exchange. Hydrological Processes, 23(15), 2165-2177 (2009).


Fleckenstein, J., Fogg, G.: Efficient upscaling of hydraulic conductivity in heterogeneous alluvial aquifers. Hydrogeology Journal, 16(7), 1239-1250 (2008).


Fleckenstein, J., Niswonger, R., Fogg, G.: River-Aquifer Interactions, Geologic Heterogeneity, and Low Flow Management. Groundwater, 44(6), 837-852 (2006).


Fleckenstein, J., Anderson, M., Fogg, G., Mount, J.: Managing surface water-groundwater to restore fall flows in the Cosumnes River. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 130(4), 301-310 (2004).

Books and Book sections


Fleckenstein, J., Frei, S., Knorr, K.: Modelling interactions between hydrologic dynamics and biogeochemical processes in a riparian wetland of a low-order stream. In: Abesser, Corinna (Hrsg.): Conceptual and modelling studies of integrated groundwater, surface water, and ecological systems : proceedings of Symposium H01, held during IUGG2011 in Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. - Wallingford : IAHS Publ., 2011. - 87-92.


Hannah, D., Krause, S., Fleckenstein, J., Heppell, K., Pickup, R., Pinay, G., Robertson, A., Wood, P.: Biogeochemistry and Hydroecology of the Hyporheic Zone. In: The Hyporheic Handbook : A handbook on the groundwater-surface water interface and hyporheic zone for environmental managers. - Bristol : Environment Agency, 2009. - 92-107.

Other publications


Fleckenstein, J., Neumann, C., Volze, N., Beer, J.: Raumzeitmuster des Grundwasser-Seeaustausches in einem sauren Tagebaurestsee. Grundwasser, 14(3), 207-217 (2009).

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