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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie - Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer

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Fate of chemical plant protection products

Vortragender: Dr. Folkert Bauer, Crop Protection - Environmental Fate Modelling, BASF, Ludwigshafen
Do. 18.10.2018 (12:00-13:30)

Challenges in environmental fate and exposure of plant protection products

For introduction and orientation, general information and key figures on BASF and the BASF Agricultural Center Limburgerhof will first be presented. Subsequently discussed are the environmental processes to which pesticides are subject, and which are simulated or reproduced in the approval procedure by officially required field and laboratory experiments, as well as in models. In addition, some background information on the legal situation and the approval processes in the EU and Germany is presented, for example in the case of an exceedance of pesticide ingredients and transformation products in groundwater.

The last part of the talk addresses the challenges for chemical pest management, which arise from the National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products and the "5-Punkte-Plan" of the Federal Environment Agency. These will be illustrated by practical examples. In addition, examples of initiatives and cooperation outside the regulatory context are shown as a reaction to the increasing demands in the field of water protection in agriculture.

Invited by Sven Frei, Hydrology

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